The Biden administration was slammed online on Thursday over a tweet that claimed that the solution to high gas prices was to have electric cars, which are expensive.

The administration made the remark in a lengthy Twitter thread where it sought to explain “Putin’s price hike” as inflation numbers released on Thursday hit 7.9%, the fastest annual jump in 40 years.

“When we have electric cars powered by clean energy, we will never have to worry about gas prices again,” the White House tweeted. “And autocrats like Putin won’t be able to use fossil fuels as weapons against other nations.”

“The average transaction price for an electric vehicle (EV) is $56,437,” CNBC reported. “In terms of pricing, an EV is equivalent to an entry-level luxury car.”

Notable responses included:

  • Sen. Tommy Tuberville (R-AL): “Fairy dust and unicorns…can you imagine what the real world looks like through their eyes? Good Lord.”
  • Kaylee McGhee White, columnist: “Once again: They do not care whether you can afford to fill your tank. They literally see this as a way to push their crazy climate agenda.”
  • Chuck Ross, reporter: “NYT recently reported that Hunter Biden’s firm helped broker a deal for China to buy the world’s largest deposit of cobalt, which is used to make electric car batteries.”
  • Noah Rotham, political commentator: “This is insulting. Our politics would be markedly improved if our elected representatives and their consultants didn’t operate under the assumption that you’re an idiot.”
  • Comfortably Smug: “Ok. The entry level model is 50% more than the median American income.”
  • Rep. Pat Fallon (R-TX): “It is laughable how out of touch this Administration is with everyday Americans. My constituents don’t want the Green New Deal, they want lower gas prices.”
  • Rep. Jackie Walorski (R-IN): “President Biden and his liberal staff are shamelessly out-of-touch with Americans. Buying a Tesla to offset the #Bidenflation gas price spike isn’t a simple option for most working families.”
  • Caleb Hull, digital strategist: “Except, ya know, how we use fossil fuels to build literally everything involved in putting together an electric car lmao.”
  • Rep. Jason Smith (R-MO): “It’s INSANE how out of touch Joe Biden is with working-class families. This administration will do everything it can to put the needs of wealthy environmentalists ahead of the hardworking Missouri families who are feeling pain at the pump. Unacceptable!”
  • Rep. Byron Donalds (R-FL): “Did @StephenAtHome gain access to the White House Twitter account? Translation: ‘Hey working-class America, we don’t care about rising gas prices. Maybe now you’ll realize it’s time to purchase a $60K electric vehicle.’ Democrats want to destroy middle America into submission.”
  • Tim Alberta, reporter: “We will *always* have to worry about gas prices. Oil is the world’s most essential commodity. It powers the mass movement of people & goods across the globe. That’s not going to change in our lifetime, even when there’s an EV in every driveway.”

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Source: Dailywire

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