If you thought needing a vaccine passport to see a stand-up comedy show or buy a cup of coffee in a diner was ridiculous, this example of authoritarianism will steam your clams.

A science-denying New York City judge has decided that a father can’t see his three-year-old daughter unless he gets vaccinated or submits to weekly COVID tests, even though the man had COVID and therefore possesses natural antibodies. Not to mention the fact that three-year-olds are among the least likely to die from COVID.

“Here, in-person parental access by defendant is not in the child’s best interests, and there are exceptional circumstances that support its suspension,” Justice Matthew Cooper wrote in his decision. He also wrote that the “dangers of voluntarily remaining unvaccinated during access with a child while the COVID-19 virus remains a threat to children’s health and safety cannot be understated.”

The father’s lawyer fired back with logic, but to no avail.

“My client is not a conspiracy theorist. He has concerns about the vaccine. He’s heard about side effects. He once had a bad reaction to a flu vaccine,” attorney Lloyd Rosen countered.

Justice Cooper wasn’t hearing it.

“Unfortunately, and to my mind, incomprehensibly, a sizable minority, seizing upon misinformation, conspiracy theories, and muddled notions of ‘individual liberty,’ have refused all entreaties to be vaccinated,” Cooper declared.

The “Honorable” Justice Cooper serves on the court’s “Gender Fairness Committee.” I smell a liberal.

Cooper initially stated that the vaccine is necessary “to participate meaningfully in everyday society.”  meHentioned New York’s brutal vaccine mandates for health care workers, teachers, and first responders. Two weeks later, the mother of the toddler suggested the father could see his daughter if he submitted to weekly tests, and Justice Cooper agreed.

“This judge must feel that 80 million Americans who aren’t vaccinated are placing their children at imminent risk of harm and, therefore, the courts should intervene and remove those children from their parents,” Rosen, the father’s lawyer, stated. “This is an absurd position to take.”

FACT-O-RAMA! As of October 13, 2021, 60 kids in the U.S. between the ages of 1-4 have died from COVID.

A Chicago judge decided last summer to deny visitation rights to a mother but changed his mind three weeks later.

Source: PJ Media

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