Most people didn’t watch the 94th Annual Academy Awards, but everyone by now has heard about Will Smith slapping Chris Rock at the event, and at least one CNN analyst knows who is to blame for it: Donald Trump

Smith notoriously went on stage after Rock made a joke about Smith’s wife, slapped Rock, and later yelled at him from his seat to “keep my wife’s name out of your f—g mouth!” before the show continued on.

According to CNN analyst Asha Rangappa, the show went on because of Trump.

“So did like anyone walk out after that happened???” the rabid anti-Trumper asked. “Or are we getting an independent psychological case study on how Trump got normalized?”

Rangappa later complained about the “hate emails” she started receiving after her comment was originally reported on. “The MAGA hate emails have begun, which tells me that the below tweet has made its way to the Breitbart ecosystem,” she tweeted Monday morning. “The sad part is that they are so stupid they don’t realize I’m not comparing Smith to Trump, I’m comparing the audience to them.”

She later discovered it was Fox News’ coverage of her ridiculous tweet that allegedly sparked the flood of hate mail she claims she received. “Ah, found the trigger,” she reported. “Seriously, like clockwork — as soon as Fox News, etc. publishes something, I get unhinged, racist, threatening emails flooding my inbox.”

Many other unhinged leftists who follow her on Twitter seemed to agree that Trump deserved some blame for what happened, but many others mocked her for the ridiculous linking of Trump to what occurred. But hey, that’s what makes her a perfect fit for CNN.

Source: PJ Media

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