Nationwide, backers of critical race theory seem to be shifting their tone. They’re done defending their heinous racial beliefs and are shifting their actions.

In Minnesota, CRT-backing teachers are telling kids to keep secrets from their parents.

A student in the Sartell-St. Stephen School District just north of St. Cloud, Minn. is speaking out after the school required grade-school children take an “equity” survey.

Some students didn’t understand some of the survey questions, but were told by a teacher they couldn’t repeat the survey questions to their parents, according to a video uploaded by Alphanews.

The survey asked questions that some students didn’t understand. Even after hearing an explanation from their teacher, some still couldn’t comprehend the survey questions.

But a teacher told the students they couldn’t ask their parents for help, according to Haylee Yasgar, a fourth-grader at the time.

What type of adult typically tells children to keep secrets from their parents?

In Dallas, Texas, a BLM-aligned CRT-backing group called Dallas Justice Now sent out letters to parents in wealthy Highland Park urging them to give up their kids’ spots in top colleges, for reasons of equity and justice. Tyler O’Neil covered this on Monday.

“We are asking you to pledge that your children will not apply or attend any Ivy League School or US News & World Report Top 50 School. If you do not have children under 18 then we ask you to pledge to hold your white privileged friends, family, and neighbors with children to this standard,” the letter demands. “These schools have afforded white families privilege for generations. Having your children attend these schools takes away spaces from students of color who really need the job opportunities, education and influence that these schools provide.”

“We know that this sounds like a tough commitment to make. But it is truly disheartening to see wealthy white folks sending charitable donations, posting #BlackLivesMatter on social media, or putting up yard signs as if to say that minimal effort is all they are prepared to do in the fight for racial justice,” the letter adds.

The group is an actual CRT-backing organization. Along with the demand above is at least the implication of a threat. Dallas Justice Now does not publish the names of its members. But parents who received its letters have been deeply researched by the group. DJN knows their children’s names and ages and where they live as well as the family’s approximate income.

What if they refuse the pledge? Will Dallas Justice Now escalate its demands or move on to more direct tactics?

In Virginia, the Democrats have moved past the demand and even the politics stage. They’re openly hoping opponents of critical race theory die.

Amid dueling rallies for and against CRT last week, a Fairfax County PTA leader was recorded on video suggesting parents who oppose the race-based philosophy should “die” – and county Democratic chair Bryan Graham appears to have been part of the crowd that applauded the line.

Fairfax County has been one of the nation’s centers of CRT debate, with public servants doxing and threatening parents who dare to oppose them.

“I think probably the more startling thing isn’t what was said, it’s the fact the crowd cheered,” said Jason Miyares, the Republican candidate for Virginia attorney general. “In other words, it wasn’t just a misstatement – that seemed to be a sentiment that at least those in the crowd largely agree with.”

The Cuban-American candidate told Fox News Friday that critical race theory, paired with a lack of civility from the left when it comes to public discourse, will pose a national security threat down the line.

“I  was at an event where a Marine came up to me and said, listen…‘How do you as a country recruit young men and women to be willing to serve and possibly die for the country if they’re told from the early stage that somehow their country is inherently broken, and evil, and racist and can’t be redeemed?’” Miyares recounted.

“Let them die!” The Democrats applauded.

Source: PJ Media

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