Disgusting radical pro-abortion groups are hard at work, firebombing churches and pro-life centers and threatening Americans who dare to work to protect the lives of the most vulnerable. Hours after a deranged man traveled across the country with the intent of assassinating Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh, a repugnant activist group calling itself Ruth Sent Us was putting targets on the backs of conservative justices’ children.

Previously, the group publicized the home addresses of conservative justices, whom it refers to them as the “SCOTUS 6,” and it continues to promote illegal protests targeting them. The group has been organizing a weekly march in front of each justice’s home:

On Wednesday, Ruth Sent Us tweeted a smarmy parody of concern for Justice Kavanaugh and rejected taking any responsibility for inspiring the assassination attempt. Then the group went right over the line and brought his wife and children into the conversation. “A special message for Ashley Kavanaugh and your daughters — this billboard was on your school grounds. We feel for you,” tweeted the radicals, along with a picture of a sign at the girls’ school. “@LeaderMcConnell and the GOP aren’t worried for your safety. They worry only for the expensive Supreme Court they rigged, and their own power. #SCOTUS”

In other words, “We know where your kids are, we can get there any time, and no one will protect you.”

And if another deranged maniac just happens to target the children at that school, we’re sure Ruth Sent Us will once again deny any responsibility.

Earlier that day, the despicable activists reminded followers that Justice Amy Coney Barrett has seven children and pointed to the school attended by the kids:

Ruth Sent Us dances along the edges of Twitter’s safety rules. The platform prohibits violent threats, promotion of terrorism or violent extremism, and inciting harassment or violence. Pointing potentially violent people at a target with a wink and a nod is vile enough, but putting children in the crosshairs is inexcusable.

It’s worth noting that Ruth Sent Us also likes to tweet about school shootings. But I’m sure these activists would never dream of “unintentionally” inspiring the next kook to hit the school attended by the children of their political targets.

Meanwhile, mobs continue to march in front of conservative Supreme Court justices’ homes — in contradiction of the law.

Since the draft SCOTUS opinion in the Dobbs case was leaked, pro-abortion domestic terror groups have been merrily firebombing and vandalizing churches, pro-life organization offices, and crisis preganancy centers, leaving scrawled threats behind. Yet there is no media coverage of these acts, outrage from elected officials, or any significant arrest to date.

LifeNews reported on one case:

CompassCare’s CEO, Jim Harden told LifeNews, “This is the pro-abortion ‘Kristallnacht.’ Because of this act of violence, the needs of women facing unplanned pregnancy will go unmet and babies will die.”

Harden said CompassCare and other pro-life service centers have been the target of violence for months both online and in-person.

“Ironically, New York’s Governor not only ignored the violence but instead earmarked $35 million in taxpayer funds to increase security at abortion clinics. Adding insult to injury the New York legislature passed a bill investigating pro-life pregnancy centers precisely because they do not perform abortions,” he added.

“I wonder if Gov. Hochul will veto the Pregnancy Center Investigation Bill? I wonder if Attorney General Letitia James will investigate these cowardly criminals?” he asked.

In 1938, Kristallnacht terrorized German Jews not just because of the violence and destruction, but because it made clear that Nazi authorities would not protect them and would allow the violence to stand. America’s socialist Democrats shouldn’t be emulating lopsided enforcement; it’s never the good guys doing it, and it never turns out well.

Source: PJ Media

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