Over $100 million in taxpayer-funded border wall materials are wasting away in the Texas heat, simply because of the Biden administration’s aberrant decisions.

In order to appease left-wing activist groups — which are still furious since they can never be placated — President Joe Biden abruptly canceled construction of the security barrier when assuming office in January.

The administration reportedly is paying about $5 million each day for border contracts that are now on hold.​

Fox News, which has maintained its drone above the Rio Grande and various border areas for several weeks, captured remarkable footage of around 20,000 steel panels — worth $5,000 each — sitting in Pharr, just west of McAllen, along the southern border.

That pile of rusting panels could build 100 miles of wall, a significant amount, considering that during former President Donald Trump’s term, about 400 miles of new and replacement wall was completed, with another 300 planned or under construction.

​Related: Has Joe Biden Ever Visited the Southern Border?

The border wall currently ends near La Joya, Texas, ​leaving an open space for illegal immigrants to easily walk across.

“Keep in mind, taxpayers have already paid for this,” ​Fox reporter Bill ​Melugin said Monday. “It’s bought and paid for and nothing is happening with it. Basically, it’s useless. We watch these migrants just walk around it all the time. It’s not doing anything, and the border agents out here are having to run around left and right as runners are constantly coming through.”​

Border Patrol agents are frustrated, and their chief claims that more than 400,000 known migrants have escaped through the unfinished wall area this year.

For their part, ten concerned Republican governors met last week along the border in Del Rio, Texas, to present a reasonable and thorough plan for border security. The Biden administration ignored it.

Source: PJ Media

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