The frantic and tragic evacuation of Afghanistan just took an even uglier turn. U.S. officials at two intake sites, one in the United Arab Emirates and one in Wisconsin, are getting reports of young girls who were sexually abused by and/or forced to marry much older Afghan men in order to escape Afghanistan. Some of the older men have more than one “wife.”

A document seen by the Associated Press (AP) claims that the State Department is seeking “urgent guidance” from other U.S. agencies after supposed child brides were brought to Fort McCoy in Wisconsin. Another document says Afghan girls at a transit site in Abu Dhabi have also alleged that they have been raped by older men, whom they were forced to marry in return for safe passage from Afghanistan.

The State Department had no comment on the documents or the veracity of the details within them.

Officials say that, although they take all allegations seriously, many of them are anecdotal and challenging to prove, especially amid the tidal wave of Afghan refugees who have been pouring into bases located throughout the Middle East, Europe, and the United States.

A situation report that was sent on August 27 to all U.S. consulates and embassies, as well as military command centers in Florida, pointed to potential “issues” involving older men with much younger girls. Some of these older men claim to have multiple “wives.”

A document entitled “Afghanistan Task Force SitRep No. 63” was obtained by the AP. An excerpt read, “Intake staff at Fort McCoy reported multiple cases of minor females who presented as “married” to adult Afghan men, as well as polygamous families. Department of State has requested urgent guidance.”

Thus far, there has been no suggestion that any such guidance has been received.

Source: PJ Media

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