Despite being so out of touch with his own constituents that he lost his election to a Republican in a state Joe Biden won by ten points, Terry McAuliffe is reportedly being considered for a job … in the Biden administration.

“The Biden administration is interested in finding a spot somewhere for Terry McAuliffe according to multiple high-level sources familiar with the White House’s thinking,” reports Punchbowl News. “All Cabinet spots are full, for now. And McAuliffe isn’t asking for a job; this seems to be the administration trying to find a place where McAuliffe can serve.”

Punchbowl News notes that McAuliffe is a fixture in Democrat politics and has been for many years, and suggests that a job in the administration “would be quite a good landing spot after losing the gubernatorial race.”

Would it really? McAuliffe may have a long history in Democrat politics, but he blew a wide lead in the race by running against Trump instead of his actual opponent, Glenn Youngkin, and by siding with schools over parental rights. Polls showed that the issue of parental rights and education was a huge factor in the Virginia election, and that they not only helped boost Youngkin to victory but brought Democrat voters into his column. McAuliffe grossly miscalculated by insisting that parents shouldn’t have any influence in their kids’ education, and thinking that sentiment was a political winner for his campaign. “I’m not going to let parents come into schools and actually take books out and make their own decision,” McAuliffe said during a debate with Youngkin in September. “I don’t think parents should be telling schools what they should teach.”

And yet, Biden wants to hire this guy? He should be telling McAuliffe to find a job in the private sector instead of trying to find a place for him in his already struggling administration.

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Source: PJ Media

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