The Biden administration has allowed a record number of illegal aliens to “self-report” their whereabouts through a cellphone app.

It’s called “Alternatives to Detention” (ATD), and more than 216,000 illegals have taken part in the program. Is this how Biden is going to handle the crush of illegal aliens once Title 42 is lifted?

According to an April 9 report from U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, the average length of migrants placed in the Alternatives to Detention (ATD) program is now 439 days. ICE requires released individuals to self-report by calling a telephone number or get the SmartLink app for their mobile phones. In some cases, the person must wear a global positioning system (GPS) tracking device, present himself or herself to an ICE office or be subject to a home visit, according to the agency’s website

However, as per ICE, there is currently one case manager available for every 125 migrants on the ATD program. The program has grown from 86,000 individuals near the end of the Trump administration to nearly three times that number in 14 months.

It should be noted that there are no firm figures on the number of illegals participating in the ATD program who never report or who are able to take off the GPS ankle monitor.

Besides, most people aren’t required to wear a GPS monitor in the first place.

Harlingen, Texas, had the most migrants on the ATD program as of April 9, with 22,148. Some 3,700 were required to wear the GPS devices but more than 17,000 were issued the phone app. San Antonio was second with 20,125 and Phoenix had 18,695. Los Angeles reported 14,954 while El Paso had 12,780, including 10,512 reporting through the phone app and 1,356 wearing GPS devices.

In fact, there’s an epidemic of illegals who never show up for their court date regardless of whether they download the app or wear a GPS ankle monitor. This data is from 2017 — numbers are almost certainly worse today:

  • 43% of all aliens freed pending trial failed to appear for court in 2017.
  • Since 1996, 37% of all aliens freed before trial disappeared from court.
  • Aliens abscond from court more often today than they did before 9/11.
  • Deportation orders for failing to appear in court exceed deportation orders from cases that were tried by 306%.
  • 46% of all unaccompanied children disappeared from U.S. immigration courts from 2013 through 2017.
  • 49% of unaccompanied children failed to appear in U.S. immigration courts in 2017.

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ICE admits that more than 50,000 illegal immigrants released into the United States just over a five-month period last year didn’t show for court hearings, and it also doesn’t have court information for an additional 40,000 individuals it’s supposed to prosecute.

The numbers vary according to the source but there’s no doubt that there’s a substantial number of illegals that, once they get caught and are released, disappear into the vast illegal communities spread out throughout the United States.

Source: PJ Media

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