According to AAA, the national average gas price is $4.715. Heck, right now I wouldn’t mind $4.715/gal since I just paid $4.79/gal the other day.

This is a new all-time high, so… I guess… congratulations, Joe Biden, you’ve made history once again!

As you dread your next visit to the gas pump, it’s a perfect time to remind you that Thursday marks six months since the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) tweeted the most ridiculous graphic ever. It showed the national average price of gas decrease from $3.40 to $3.38 a gallon at the end of November, and had the audacity to thank Joe Biden for that ginormous 2¢/gal decrease.

The graphic was truly audacious, considering the way it touted a mere 2¢ decrease as something Americans ought to be thankful to Joe Biden for when it was a blip in otherwise skyrocketing gas prices.

Still, in the six months since the DCCC thought we ought to be kissing Biden’s feet for saving us 2¢/gal, gas prices have gone up over a dollar a gallon.

Thanks, Joe Biden, you’re swell.

Source: PJ Media

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