Career Criminals Lives’ Matter

Barely a year after Minneapolis’ City Council voted to to defund their police department after the death of George Floyd, a judge has ordered the city to hire more cops, thanks to a lawsuit filed by fed up citizens.

“Minneapolis is in a crisis,” wrote the eight plaintiffs in their complaint, citing the rise in violent crimes, including shootings, sexual assault, murders, civil unrest, and riots, FOX News reports.

Progressive city council members couldn’t wait to gut the police department and allow a surge in crime, most of which would affect poor, black neighborhoods. The tsunami of crime recently took the life of a popular coach, who was shot attending a memorial for another victim of Minneapolis’ violent crime surge. He was the 42nd person murdered this year in Minneapolis. No word from Antifa and BLM if they are planning a mostly peaceful riot in his honor.

The cop-hating Minneapolis city council and Mayor Jacob Frey were ordered to “immediately take any and all necessary action to ensure that they fund a police force,” according to Thursday’s court order by Judge Jamie L. Anderson. The crime-loving city council and mayor have until June 30, 2022, to establish a police force of 730 sworn officers. They currently have 669 cops. Minneapolis had nearly 200 cops file paperwork to leave the Minneapolis Police Department in the first three months after the George Floyd riots. No idea how many more will resign or retire by the June 30, 2022 deadline as the nation has seen a surge in cops walking away from departments nationwide.

Head Scratcher

This puts the Minneapolis city council and mayor in a pickle. How does a city recruit cops when they are openly hostile to the police? At a time when everyone with a phone and a wifi plan can see cops leaving in droves. When mega-stars like Lebron James openly try to get a cop killed for doing his job and protecting a black girl from getting stabbed by another black girl.

Eat Their Own

Being the first black, openly transgender city council member elected in the U.S., an admirable double victim status, meant nothing to an angry Minneapolis BLM mob when they held council-? Andrea Jenkins hostage for 23 minutes, shouting demands and an occasional racist comment. Good luck finding cops willing to lay down their lives to protect these upstanding Americans. GRAPHIC LANGUAGE WARNING

Source: PJ Media

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