Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has suspended Canada’s evacuation of Afghanistan.

“Our engagement with Afghanistan is not done,” Trudeau said, suggesting Canada may work with the Taliban to get more Canadians home. He went on to call the situation “heartbreaking”.

Canada has thus far removed roughly 2,700 people, including Canadian nationals and Afghans. No one knows just how many Canadians, and their Afghan allies, remain stranded in Afghanistan.

“We would have liked to have stayed beyond the 31st deadline, but as you know this decision has been made by the Americans,” Canadian Defense Minister Harjit Sajjan stated. Canada’s evacuation plans rely on the American military forces’ ability to maintain control of the Hamid Karzai International Airport, the scene of one of today’s two suicide bombings.

Unconfirmed reports state that 40 people have been killed and 120 wounded in today’s bombings. Three of the wounded are U.S. Marines, one of whom is reported to have sustained serious injuries.

A map of the Hamid Karzai International Airport can be seen here. The Abbey Gate was the location of one of the attacks. The other took place near the Baron Hotel, located close to the airport.

Source: PJ Media

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