Rep. Dan Crenshaw, R-Texas, harshly criticized left-wing opponents of his home state doing away with mask mandates, telling “Fox & Friends” on Wednesday that comments from them on Twitter were “unhinged’ and “disgusting.”

“You would have thought that Texas made masks illegal based on the unhinged response from so many leftists on Twitter, talking about ‘murderers’ and ‘killers’ and ‘you’re siding with the virus,'” said Crenshaw, adding it is “really disgusting” that they even commented “”No more vaccines for Texas.'”

Crenshaw emphasized that “It’s disgusting on a very fundamental level.”

“I think you should still wear a mask if you can’t socially distance and you’re not vaccinated,” he said, “but I don’t want to fine or jail you if you don’t, right? This isn’t that hard of a concept, guys. You know, there has to be a contract between the governed and the government and there has to be trust involved.”

Crenshaw said such trust has been broken over the last year. He contended the fact is that lockdowns don’t work, insisting that science shows that there is no correlations between lockdowns and the spread of the coronavirus, since it will spread in any case.

Crenshaw stressed that “people are jealous of freedom, and one of the unfortunate realities of modern America is we’re sort of dividing into free states versus non-free states. … People are moving with their feet.”

He said that many “people are enticed by the Democrats’ notions and sort of lip service to compassionate arguments, but in the end, they want to pursue their happiness as the Declaration of Independence gives us the right to.”

Texas last week  became the biggest state to get rid of its mask mandate, despite warnings from health officials that it is not yet time to ease up on this, and other coronavirus-related restrictions, CNN reported.

Gov. Greg Abbott, R-Texas, who also announced all business could reopen 100%, based his decision on the fact that active COVID-19 cases and hospitalizations were down to levels not seen in months.

But critics said it was too soon to take such measures, because only a small percentage of the state’s population has been vaccinatedand variants of the virus that are spreading aggressively may lead to another explosion of cases.

Several of the largest cities in the state have pushed back against Abbott’s decision, as have some of the counties and businesses in the state that said they continue to require the wearing of masks.

Source: Newmax

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