Embattled NIAID Director and Chief White House Medical Advisor Dr. Anthony Fauci spoke to an audience at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle, during which he boasted about the surge of young medical school applicants.

“It’s called ‘the Fauci effect,’” he said. “Which is sort of like, you know – trust me, I don’t get excited about that,” he interjected, though the hubris was clear. “I mean, it’s nice, but it’s… people go to medical school now, people are interested in science, not because of me – because most people don’t know me, who I am. My friends know me, my wife knows me – people don’t know me. It’s what I symbolize.”

And what, praytell, does Fauci fancy himself to symbolize?

“And what I symbolize,” he continued, “in an era of the normalization of untruths and lies and all the things you’re seeing going on in society, from January 6th to everything else that goes on, people are craving for consistency, for integrity, for truth and for people caring about people.”

Believe it or not, the liberal media has been pushing the idea of “The Fauci Effect” to explain a wave of medical school applications in the pandemic era. Curiously, the surge in military enlistment after 9/11 was never called “The bin Laden Effect.”

Did it ever occur to anyone that a global pandemic might actually have been the true inspiration for more young people to consider a career in medicine?

But where does Fauci get off claiming he symbolizes consistency, integrity, and truth? Heck, how many flip-flops have we covered here at PJ Media? Recently, we’ve seen him try to rewrite history about the COVID vaccines. Perhaps one of his most notable ones was his flip-flop on the COVID lab leak theory. Fauci’s leadership during the COVID pandemic has been rife with controversy, as it’s become clear that politics has played a much larger role in his decision-making than science. He pushed for universal vaccines, even for kids who are not at high risk from COVID. His universal vaccine approach led him to repeatedly move the goalposts on herd immunity. Yet he had the arrogance to claim that anyone criticizing him was dangerous because he represents “science.” Over the past year and a half, we’ve learned that he lied about funding gain-of-function research in Wuhan and that he had been told COVID-19 was potentially engineered but insisted for over a year that it came from nature. In addition to his poor management of COVID, there are also his disgusting and medically unnecessary experiments on puppies.

Source: PJ Media

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