Mad Mad World

People across the globe are standing up and fighting against China flu lockdowns and vaccine mandates a mere 477 days since being told we need only “15 days to flatten the curve.”

We’re Not Gonna Take It

Anti-riot cops clashed with protestors in central Paris, using tear gas to break up angry mobs that are tired of useless lockdowns, immunity passports, and a possible forced vaccination plan for healthcare workers. Over 100,000 people took to the streets to show their disdain for the COVID restrictions, including “COVID-Free” letters allowing them to enter restaurants and theatres.

In a separate protest in western Paris, demonstrators opposed anti-virus mandates and carried banners reading “Stop the dictatorship.”

Further protests in France are also planned in other cities, including Marseille, Montpellier, Nantes, and Toulouse.

In Excess

Thousands of angry Australians swarmed the streets of Sydney and Melbourne to protest the current month-long lockdown.

Angry protestors banged heads with mounted riot police, even showering them with debris.

Roughly five million people in Greater Sydney have been locked down for four weeks over fears of the Delta variant. They can only leave their homes for four reasons: to purchase food and essential items; to secure medical help, including vaccinations; to exercise in pairs, not groups, traveling no further than 10 km (6.2 miles) from home; and to go to an essential job or study program that can’t be done at home.

Sydney Police said it recognizes and supports the rights of free speech and peaceful assembly but noted that the protest was a breach of public health orders. Health orders the public clearly opposes.

Detroit Break Down

Protesters hit the bricks all over Detroit to oppose mandatory vaccinations for all hospital workers. Rallies were held in the Motor City as well as nearby Clinton Township, West Bloomfield, and Wyandotte.

Protesters in Grand Rapids, Mich., lined up outside a hospital to express their anger over the mandate. Many carried signs, one of which said, “My Body, My Choice,” swiping the pro-choice crowd’s mantra.

The Pipes Are Calling

Thousands of Irish people have also had it. Marchers in Dublin and Belfast let their voices be heard after lawmakers passed legislation stating that only vaccinated and COVID-free people could dine and drink indoors.

Leave the Covid, Get The Cannoli

Italy’s leaders passed a law stating that Italian citizens must present a “green pass” to enter a restaurant, theater, museum, indoor swimming pool, or sports stadium. The pass signifies that the holder has either gotten the vax, had a recent negative COVID test, or had the Chinese virus already. Italians aren’t having it and are protesting across their country.

Anarchy in the U.K.

The Brits, usually quite left-leaning and very properly politically correct, have jumped on the anti-vax bandwagon. Thousands poured into the streets of London and Manchester after Boris Johnson stated that one would need a vaccine passport to enter a nightclub. These protests come immediately after all other COVID restrictions have been lifted.

Clearly, vaccine passports are not the way to go for many, and people across the words are letting their elected leaders know exactly how they feel. Let’s see if the message is heard.

Source: PJ Media

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