The situation in Afghanistan is very serious. Thousands of Americans are likely to end up stranded in the country by the time U.S. forces leave, which could result in the largest hostage crisis in history.

But, when asked about the situation after a briefing on cybersecurity from NBC’s Peter Alexander, Biden treated it like a joke.

“What will you do if Americans are still in Afghanistan after the 8/31 deadline?” Alexander asked.

That’s when the White House cut off the audio feed.

But Biden’s response was heard by those who were in the room, and by Alexander, who said that Biden jokingly replied, “You’ll be the first person I call.”

With such a serious situation, it’s hard to fathom why Biden felt it was appropriate to crack a joke about it. This is the same guy who ran on “empathy” and “competence.”

There’s nothing funny about Americans being left behind under Taliban rule. Nothing at all.

Source: PJ Media

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