Joe Biden’s Vaccine Mandate Is Blatantly Unconstitutional

There’s a reason no president in American history has ever issued a national vaccine mandate like Biden's: It's flatly unconstitutional.

How Biden’s Welfare Expansion Plans Undermine America’s Safety

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine puts the need for U.S. structural fiscal reform in even starker relief. But Democrats are making things worse.

Norway Is Tracking What Everyone Buys, And Biden Wants To Follow Suit In The...

Citizens using this new digital currency would effectively have no privacy from the government. Everything you buy would be logged.

Feds’ Routine Tyranny Suggests They Aren’t As Afraid Of The American People As They...

With the federal bureaucracy growing seemingly infinite, it becomes increasingly clear that it will be used for tyranny.

CBO: Democrats’ Spending Spree Will Make Inflation Even Worse For Years

The Congressional Budget Office projected the bill will raise federal deficits—and inflation—now and later. In fact, it will worsen inflation in months.

6 Ridiculous Budget Gimmicks In House Democrats’ ‘Build Back Bankrupt’ Spending Spree

The legislation contains almost as many gimmicks and budget tricks to hide its true costs as it does new entitlement programs.

Australia’s COVID Insanity Shows Why Freedom Is So Fragile

Americans beware: Australia’s atrocious handling of the pandemic is as great an apology for liberty as you’ll find in the world today.

Earmark Vote Showcases House Republican Support For Big Government

The earmark vote shows that far too many purportedly conservative lawmakers want to partake in the big-government excesses of the Biden era.

Why The Biden Administration Wants To Track Your Bank Accounts

The idea that people — and governments — should mind their own business is older than the American republic. But Democrats aren't backing off.

Republicans Are Helping Democrats Embed Systemic Racism In So-Called ‘Defense’ Bill

By funding scientific study according to students' race rather than their achievements, this bill will likely damage U.S. dominance in science.



Bitcoin and Ethereum Consolidate Losses, Recovery Could...

Bitcoin price declined heavily below the USD 19,500 support. BTC even settled below the USD 19,000 level. It is currently (11:20 UTC) consolidating losses above the USD 18,500 level.

‘Crypto for good’: This community doesn’t just...

This crypto project says it offers more exciting products than old-fashioned banks — and empowers individuals to take control of their financial future

Short Bitcoin Funds See Record Inflows

Capital is flowing into short bitcoin (BTC) funds at a record rate, while regular long bitcoin funds continue to see outflows.

Oregon Prepares Its American Indian Students For...

When states like Oregon put equity over quality, students suffer, no matter how little tuition they pay.

After 35 Years Of Marriage, We’re Still...

To be happily married after 35 years and still chase each other around the living room, this milestone is a proud accomplishment.