Johnny Depp’s Court Victory Deflates The Massive ‘Believe All Women’ Industry
The guilty verdict in Depp v. Heard indicts the corrupt ‘Believe Her’ industry that created Amber Heard, the victim.
The Left Rediscovers ‘Women’s Rights’ After Reducing Mothers To Androgynous Birth Bots
The left’s schizophrenic approach to the concept of sex betrays a deep-seated contempt for women and a mockery of motherhood.
There Is One Pro-Women Camp In American Politics, And It’s The Right
Every major political platform of the left is unabashedly antithetical to the protection, celebration, and dignity of womanhood.
Second-Wave Feminists Pushed The Sexual Revolution To End America, And It’s Working
That pseudo-litany chanted by the 12 women in the upper room has been heard, felt, and suffered by all the world.
The ‘Lean In’ Era Is Over, And That’s Good For Everyone
After being given all the tools needed to climb the corporate ladder, many women are rejecting Sandberg's corporate 'Girlboss' life.
Billie Eilish Calls Porn A ‘Disgrace’ To Women, Says It ‘Destroyed’ Her Brain
'I think it really destroyed my brain and I feel incredibly devastated that I was exposed to so much porn,' Billie Eilish told Howard Stern on Monday.
Lockdowns Made The Wage Gap Worse, And Some Women Are Pretty Happy About It
Miserable pandemic lockdowns gave women the freedom to be paid less and be happy about it.
J.K. Rowling’s Haters Are Back, Proving The Left Will Never Forgive Dissenters
J.K. Rowling made headlines again last week after she responded to a death threat by standing firmly by her comments about transgenderism.
3 Ways The Left’s Hatred Of Women Shows Up In Transgender Ideology
The political left has a misogyny problem. For all the trumpeting of women’s rights, leftist policies frequently demean, disempower, or even endanger women.
Why The Cultural Assault On Natural Womanhood Robs Women Of Fulfillment
The feminists' march to androgyny appears to give women more options. In reality, they cut women off from the very things that lead to flourishing and happiness.