It seems that the social media giant Twitter is now testing its newest additions to the Tip Jar service – Bitcoin (BTC) and Ethereum (ETH) addresses on users’ profiles.

As reported, Twitter has started beta testing a Bitcoin Lightning Network tipping service, which would allow users to make smaller bitcoin payments, and would support custodial and non-custodial wallets.

Per the latest screenshots shared by developer Alessandro Paluzzi, the company seems to be actually working on enabling the crypto Twitter folk to add their Bitcoin and Ethereum addresses to their profiles – which would then allow them to receive tips in these currencies.

The screenshots shows notices stating that: “People will send payments to the [Bitcoin / Ethereum] address you’ve entered above.”

The developer claims he has reverse-engineered this feature.

The news that Twitter is working on enabling users to receive BTC tips seems to have been confirmed by Kayvon Beykpour, Product Lead at Twitter:

Beykpour also shared that the company is working on expanding the Tip Jar feature “soon,” as well as that they’ve “got stuff in the works” when it comes to non-fungible tokens (NFTs).


Source: Cryptonews

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