Promotional public benches for the Marvel series “She-Hulk: Attorney At Law” have some people furious over a design they claim is “anti-homeless architecture.” 

The controversy began when images of a bench with multiple armrests at the El Capitan Theater in Los Angeles started cropping up online. The photos were from a screening of the new Disney+ show as part of the premiere event, per Newsweek. 

The image on the bench showed lead actress Tatiana Maslany as the green She-Hulk character Jennifer Walters alongside a quote saying, “Superheroes need a super lawyer!” Fans who call the included phone number get a minute-long message from the new show’s main character.

But some fans took issue with the bench’s multiple armrests, which could prevent homeless individuals from sleeping on them.

“Why does the she-hulk bench have anti-homeless architecture,” one fan on Twitter demanded to know. This response went viral on the platform, earning more than 140,000 likes.

“The actual She-Hulk would find every one of these anti-homeless benches in town and crush them flat with her super strong ass to make them more accessible once again,” another agreed.

“Out of all the other, non-hostile, benches that Marvel could have chosen to use for their ad, they chose the one that hates poor people,” someone else commented.

“I’m not even gonna bother watching, just because of this bench,” a third person promised.

So-called anti-homeless architecture, or “hostile architecture,” is designed to exclude people from using it for unintended purposes. Other examples besides benches with armrests include flat ledges with spikes on them or bars and spikes put underneath bridges. Besides discouraging the homeless from using them, the design is often employed to keep skateboarders from using public areas for their sport. 

“She-Hulk: Attorney At Law” is the latest Marvel offering making a debut on television. It follows Walters as a lawyer who specializes in cases involving superhumans. She becomes a She-Hulk after getting a  lifesaving blood transfusion from her cousin, Bruce Banner (Mark Ruffalo). Early reviews of the project are mixed, with some critics saying the show takes itself too seriously and should have leaned into the campiness of a show about a big green superhero lawyer.

The first episode of “She-Hulk” is available today, August 18. The remaining eight episodes in season 1 will be released every Thursday.

Disclosure: The Daily Wire has announced plans for childrens’ entertainment content.

Source: Dailywire

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