During a special runoff election in 2021, radical Democrat Raphael Warnock won a Senate seat in the state of Georgia.

Warnock defeated Republican Kelly Loeffler, who was appointed after former Senator Johnny Isakson resigned with three years left in his term. Because of this turnover, Warnock will face another Republican opponent in November 2022.

One possible Republican challenger to Warnock is businessman Kelvin King. King announced his candidacy in April. I recently had the opportunity to speak with King about numerous issues, including Democrat Raphael Warnock.

I asked King about his recent commercial targeting Warnock, and if he could explain why the Democratic senator is bad for the state of Georgia and the United States.

“I’m very concerned about Raphael Warnock,” King replied.

“He considers himself a civil rights icon or leader. He’s not looking at all of Georgians as his constituents,” King continued. “He pushed for a $4 billion carve-out exclusively for black farmers. And I don’t think that’s in line with what civil rights is about. He supports mask mandates, even the black community is not crazy about these mandates, particularly vaccine mandates or mask mandates. And he’s pushing that. That’s not Georgia. Those are not Georgia values.”

King continued, saying that he can be a uniting candidate, and win votes from “outside of the Republican Party.”

Georgians are concerned about racial issues, and I can speak toward that. I can bring people together and unite people. I have not disconnected with the black community. I have strong Republican values. I’ve been a Republican for over 20 years, and I’m respected in the black community. I can win over votes. That’s going to be critical in our election, to be able to win over votes from outside of the Republican Party. And that’s the strength that we bring to this ticket.

Further, King pointed to Warnock’s support for abortion, saying that it’s “out of line with Georgia values,” and not “congruent with the word” he professes to believe.

“He actually supports pro-choice initiatives when it comes to abortion, and that’s not really something that we can get behind as believers. He’s a pastor of a church and he’s pro-choice; I don’t see how that’s congruent with the word. He actually flew over to Texas to help protest their abortion bill. I think that’s completely out of line with Georgia values,” King said.

“These are some of the things that don’t represent Georgia values, and these are the reasons why I can stand toe-to-toe with Raphael Warnock and debate the issues and win,” King concluded.

Listen via the SoundCloud embed below:

Frank Camp · King On Raphael Warnock


Q: You have a new commercial out, or shortly out, in which you speak about Raphael Warnock. Can you explain why your eventual Democratic opponent in this election, if you win the primary, Raphael Warnock, why he’s bad for the state of Georgia and the United States?

KING: Yeah, I’m very concerned about Raphael Warnock. It appears that he votes in line with Biden administration. There were a few things that happened since he took over this seat that is extremely concerning. The debacle in Afghanistan, where we pulled out before we got all the Americans out of the country. That was a travesty, and Senator Warnock did not speak up on it. In fact, his only comment was that it saddens him. And I think we deserve more than just a comment like that. He’s not in the executive branch, he’s able to speak up, he’s supposed to represent Georgians. And he isn’t. And also, he considers himself a civil rights icon or leader. He’s not looking at all of Georgians as his constituents.

He passed a — not passed — he pushed for a $4 billion carve-out exclusively for black farmers. And I don’t think that’s in line with what civil rights is about. He supports mask mandates, even the black community is not crazy about these mandates, particularly vaccine mandates or mask mandates. And he’s pushing that. That’s not Georgia. Those are not Georgia values. We need people in these U.S. Senate, we need someone who’s willing to fight for what Georgians are concerned about. Georgians are concerned about racial issues, and I can speak toward that. I can bring people together and unite people. I have not disconnected with the black community. I have strong Republican values. I’ve been a Republican for over 20 years, and I’m respected in the black community.

I can win over votes. That’s going to be critical in our election, to be able to win over votes from outside of the Republican Party. And that’s the strength that we bring to this ticket.

Raphael Warnock, he did something else that’s not in line with Georgia values. He actually supports pro-choice initiatives when it comes to abortion, and that’s not really something that we can get behind as believers. He’s a pastor of a church and he’s pro-choice; I don’t see how that’s congruent with the word. He actually flew over to Texas to help protest their abortion bill. I think that’s completely out of line with Georgia values. So these are some of the things that are inconsistent. These are some of the things that don’t represent Georgia values, and these are the reasons why I can stand toe-to-toe with Raphael Warnock and debate the issues and win. And that’s how we’re going to win this U.S. Senate back.

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Source: Dailywire

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