COVID-19 antibody tests are becoming more sought-after as people look to use the tests in order to perhaps prove they have recovered from COVID-19, or potentially for their own peace of mind over their immunity level. 

As reported by The Wall Street Journal:

Antibody tests are one tool some people are deploying to help them decide which precautions to take to protect themselves and curb the spread of Covid-19. Some vaccinated people say they want to know whether their protection has weakened to the point that they should get a booster, while some previously infected people say they want to measure the strength of the response the virus generated in their immune systems.

Doctors still reportedly press that it’s important to get vaccinated over relying on an antibody test since the amount of protection isn’t always clear. 

The Journal added, “The CDC and the Food and Drug Administration discourage antibody testing to assess immunity after infection or vaccination in part because the tests can’t say how much protection those antibodies might provide.”

“Studies have found a connection between higher antibody levels, especially for so-called neutralizing antibodies that prevent the virus from entering cells, and increased protection against Covid-19. The specific threshold for what level of antibodies a person needs to be protected from infection or severe disease is still being determined in research,” the outlet noted. 

Antibody tests can be helpful in many ways, including in the use for immunocompromised patients to check if they have the antibodies from a COVID-19 vaccine. 

“The antibody testing tells us who we need to look out for that will need help after vaccination,” said Alan Wells, medical director at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center clinical labs.

Other countries are also looking to get access to tools that can test for the antibodies. 

As Reuters reported on Tuesday: 

A global licence for serological technology that detects COVID-19 antibodies will be provided royalty-free to poor and middle-income countries under a first of its kind agreement to boost production, the World Health Organisation said on Tuesday.

Some local communities are even making antibody tests a potential part of their offerings to workers. 

As reported by Fox 4 News Kansas City:

The Johnson County, Kansas Sheriff’s Office is working with an antibody testing company to offer free COVID-19 antibody testing to all employees.

According to the sheriff’s office, AditxtScore is an immune monitoring technology that is the only known antibody test that will provide an accurate reading someone’s T-cell level and an accurate reading of COVID-19 immunity.

“This testing allows our employees to make an informed decision on what to do about their own health,” Sheriff Calvin Hayden said. “I’m happy to offer this resource to anyone who wants to take advantage of it at the Sheriff’s Office. So far, the response has been overwhelmingly positive.”

The move comes as workplaces begin mandating vaccination for workers, specifically due to the Biden Administration’s testing and vaccine mandate it is attempting to impose on private businesses. 

The Fifth Circuit recently stayed the federal government’s order. 

As reported by The Daily Wire: 

The Biden administration petitioned a federal court Tuesday to immediately lift a stay on the government’s COVID-19 vaccine and testing requirement for private businesses, citing an “ongoing and overwhelming” threat from the illness.

The Department of Justice (DOJ) filed its request with the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals, picked by lottery last week to consolidate numerous legal challenges filed against the federal order. The Daily Wire was first to file a legal challenge against the Biden administration rule in the Sixth Circuit and is poised to lead the court battle against the federal government.

“The Daily Wire sued the federal government on November 4, hours after OSHA’s order was published in the federal register and roughly two months after Biden announced his broad federal action. The Daily Wire also launched a petition for signees to express support for its lawsuit against Biden’s COVID-19 order against private business,” The Daily Wire reported.

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Source: Dailywire

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