Reacting to the viral story published in The Daily Wire on Monday about a Loudoun County, Virginia, father who charged that a boy, allegedly wearing a skirt, sexually assaulted the father’s ninth-grade daughter in a bathroom, Rep. Dan Crenshaw fired, “Do you get it now? Keep men out of women’s bathrooms. I can’t believe this story. It’s heartbreaking. Parents: don’t stop. Keep up the fight.”

The Daily Wire reported that the father’s attorney, Elizabeth Lancaster, told The Daily Wire that a boy was charged with two counts of forcible sodomy, one count of anal sodomy, and one count of forcible fellatio, related to an incident that day at that school.

Crenshaw wrote in February 2021:

There is nothing wrong with believing in moral authority and structure. For conservatives, there is a clear sense of right and wrong, and that clarity stems from generational wisdom. We don’t believe that moral standards can be changed on a whim because they are derived from longstanding traditions, often based in the Judeo-Christian framework. Authority in this sense means a respect for the legitimate rule of law, created through a careful democratic process, and the neutral and universal enforcement of that law.

For the conservative concerned with process and principle, the notion that laws might be applied selectively on an individualistic basis is outrageous and unjust. But to the modern liberal educated in critical race theory, it is preferable and even necessary. The conservative sees infinite pitfalls in such a world without standards, and therefore prefers neutrally applied authority. The leftist wants authority too, but not a neutral one.

When The Daily Wire asked him in March 2019 what was the best counter to the identity politics of the Left, Crenshaw answered:

Call it out for what it is and then provide an alternative. The alternative is that we’re a united people, and we’re all individuals, and what matters is the content of our character.

Point out to people that identity politics is essentially going back in time; point out to people that identity politics is how humankind stayed in misery and suffering and poverty for tens of thousands of years because the natural state of ourselves is to be tribal and at each other’s throats, and the unnatural state is to be individuals and to respect each other as individuals and not categorize each other into a race, gender, and class categories. When you do that, you inevitably create massive amounts of resentment and discontent. Our political divisiveness in this country is really a consequence of that.

In May 2021, Crenshaw took note that the new “woke” recruitment videos released by the U.S. Army had precipitated so much criticism that comments on the videos on YouTube were shut down. He fired, “I hope the message to military leadership is clear: We aren’t going to stand by as our military becomes another institution crippled by woke political correctness. No more critical race theory, no more identity politics, no more political witch hunts. We’ve had enough.”

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Source: Dailywire

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