Actress Jennifer Lawrence once again used her celebrity status to bash Republicans.

In a PSA advocating the much-touted voting rights bill, the “For the People Act,” Lawrence scolded Republicans for passing voter integrity laws in states like Texas and Georgia.

“Whatever your personal politics are, whatever side of the aisle you find yourself on, you need to know that your vote matters and the outcome of our elections are not maneuvered and manipulated,” she says in the PSA. “In Texas, Georgia and Florida, and 44 other states, there’s a radical wing of the Republican Party that is actively dismantling America’s right to vote because they don’t have the numbers to win otherwise.”

“Without Gerrymandering or shutting down hundreds of voting facilities within reach of minorities, and specifically targeting and carving out people of color, they can’t win. But this is cheating and it is not democracy,” she adds.

Lawrence then touted the “For the People Act” as a law that will protect Democracy and stop billionaires from stealing elections.

“There’s a law in the Senate right now called the For the People Act and it can reverse these anti-voting laws and it can stop billionaires from being able to buy our elections,” she says. ” It even says that all voting machines need to be made here in the U.S. But it’s going to take a lot of pressure from us to get it to pass.”

“Let the politicians bicker and throw tantrums, let’s just make sure they remember who they work for,” she concludes.

Democratic Sen. Joe Manchin (W.V) has already said he will not support the law, believing it is too broad and that it is not the right legislation to unite the country at this moment in time. Sen. Kyrsten Sinema (D-AZ) has also said she will not help kill the filibuster. Jennifer Lawrence made no mention of either Democrat.

Lawrence was a frequent critic of President Donald Trump throughout his tenure, both before and after the election. In 2018, she even said that she might take a break from acting in order to save America.

“I’m going to be working with this organization as a part of [anti-corruption organization] Represent.US… trying to get young people engaged politically on a local level,” the actress told Entertainment Tonight. “It doesn’t have anything to do with partisan stuff. It’s just anti-corruption and stuff trying to pass state by state laws that can help prevent corruption, fix our democracy.”

“My political passion has almost turned into an obsession. I mean, I don’t think you ever do feel settled, (but) as soon as you feel settled with your home and your personal life, you’re looking at the world and going, ‘How in the hell do I fix this? What do we do?’” she added.

After revealing that she previously voted for John McCain and once considered herself a Republican for fiscal reasons, actress Jennifer Lawrence has now clarified to her many dismayed followers that she is a “proud Democrat” and believes she was living by misguided principles. Speaking on the  “Absolutely Not” podcast in October of last year, the “Hunger Games” star said she changed her original Republican “politics based on the things I learned.”

“My first time voting, I voted for John McCain. I was a little Republican,” Lawrence said.

Lawrence appreciated “the fiscal benefits of the Republican policies” at the time she first voted while recognizing that the “social issues weren’t in line with my views.”

“When Donald Trump got elected, that just changed everything,” she said. “This is an impeached president who’s broken many laws and has refused to condemn white supremacy, and it feels like there has been a line drawn in the sand. I don’t want to support a president who supports white supremacists.”

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Source: Dailywire

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