Progressive outlet Media Matters blasted conservative commentator Allie Beth Stuckey as a “fundamentalist Christian propagandist” in a hit piece published on Thursday.

Media Matters researcher Justin Horowitz argued that Stuckey, who hosts the “Relatable” podcast, “weaponizes her Christian faith to attack non-traditional gender roles, often targeting and spreading misinformation about LGBTQ people and those that do not adhere to her prescribed fundamentalist lifestyle.” The article denounces virtually every aspect of Stuckey’s work — from her views on classical Christian education to her “instagrammable set decorations.”

“Stuckey has used her podcast to push her fundamentalist worldview, particularly focusing on enforcing traditional gender roles and family formation,” Horowitz wrote. “These fundamentalist values appear to inform every aspect of her life and guide her commentary.”

Media Matters for America — a nonprofit entity established to “systematically monitor a cross section of print, broadcast, cable, radio, and Internet media outlets for conservative misinformation” — relies upon scare quotes and pejoratives to denounce conservative thinkers. In some instances, the group has dug up old remarks from commentators and has been accused of deceptively editing footage of their ideological opponents. Media Matters recently joined with other progressive groups to urge a boycott of Twitter after Elon Musk made a bid to acquire the company.

In 2010, billionaire George Soros made a $1 million donation to Media Matters in an effort to “hold Fox News accountable” for its threats to “civil and informed discourse in our democracy.”

The hit piece added that Stuckey is devoted to spreading “Christian ideology to her followers through a narrow feminine aesthetic.” Stuckey told The Daily Wire that she merely subscribes to the same beliefs held by fellow Christians through the ages.

“First of all, the article made me sound much cooler than I am, so I’m grateful for that! I’m just repeating the same Biblical doctrines believers have believed for thousands of years, many of which formed the foundation of Western civilization,” she remarked. “Can’t take too much credit for simply reiterating what other Christians have said for millennia.”

Stuckey added that the purpose of Media Matters is not to create “transparency or accountability,” but to “punish and intimidate those who oppose the progressive zeitgeist” — specifically by “targeting our sponsors, bullying the social media sites that platform us, maligning our supporters, and whipping up outrage among the 17 people that take their articles seriously.”

“They’re classic communists, not just in their intolerance of disagreement and their addiction to propaganda, but also in their hatred of God, the family, and all forms of stability and goodness,” Stuckey observed. “Misery loves company, and the lonely writers at Media Matters fantasize about everyone being as sad and purposeless as they are. It’s their life’s mission.”

Beyond her podcast, Stuckey is the author of You’re Not Enough (And That’s Okay) — a book that encourages her predominantly young and female audience to abandon the postmodern ideology of “self-love.” In recent months, Stuckey was suspended from Twitter on two separate occasions — once for saying a transgender Olympic weightlifting competitor is “still a man,” and again for denouncing a Fox News segment that highlighted a family who claimed their child was transgender before she could speak.

With respect to Media Matters, Stuckey said that she and her audience “will never buy what they’re selling” — and will continue “finding fulfillment in our ‘fundamentalist’ lifestyles that include church, marriage and kids.”

Source: Dailywire

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