A new children’s book series launching next week will focus on “Heroes of Liberty,” such as Ronald Reagan, Thomas Sowell, and Amy Coney Barrett.

But rather than focus on conservative politics, the aim of the books is to emphasize traditional American values. In a press release provided to The Daily Wire, the publishers of the series describe the books as being “written in an engaging format and filled with breathtaking artwork focusing on the life story and achievements of Americans who are Heroes of Liberty.”

While the initial release will feature Reagan, Sowell, and Coney Barrett, starting in 2022, a new book will be released each month featuring a different “American hero.” Upcoming books will feature John Wayne, Margaret Thatcher, Mark Twain, Douglas MacArthur, Alexander Hamilton, Rush Limbaugh, and others.

According to the publisher, the “goal is to provide parents who are concerned with the increasingly leftist indoctrination and wokeness that have taken over our educational institutions with a wholesome patriotic alternative to read with their children.”

In an interview with Fox Business, Heroes of Liberty editor and board member Bethany Mandel said that too often, children’s books today are “trying to sell an agenda,” such as Ibram X. Kendi’s “Antiracist Baby.”

“The best children’s books are inevitably the old books because the production value has decreased, along with the messaging,” Mandel told Fox.

“Children’s literature is one of those things that people realized this is garbage and indoctrination, but there’s never been an alternative that’s not garbage itself or indoctrination itself,” she added.

Mandel also told the outlet that she was initially “super concerned” about the project until she actually read some of the material, saying she is “not interested in indoctrinating children.” She noted, however, that the books shouldn’t be controversial, noting that the book about Barrett doesn’t even mention former President Donald Trump.

“It’s a positive affirming message about a woman who reached the pinnacle of her career while having children, while holding steadfast to her faith,” Mandel said.

In a Rasmussen poll of 774 conservative and moderate American parents and grandparents, shared exclusively with The Daily Wire, a full 42% said children should not be “exposed to Critical Race Theory.” Fifty-six percent said children should be exposed to the theory at some point before they turned 18, with 9% of respondents saying children should be taught CRT “by age 3.”

Respondents were more likely to say children should be “exposed to Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transexual lifestyles,” but larger percentages suggested this shouldn’t start until kids were in their early teens. Further, 47% strongly disagreed with Scholastic publishing LGBTQ books aimed at children as young as three. Another 18% said they somewhat disagreed.

When asked whether books on progressive topics like Critical Race Theory or LGBTQ lifestyles should be banned from Scholastic book fairs, 51% of respondents said yes, while 36% said no and 12% said they were not sure. In a follow-up, however, 40% of respondents said book fairs should not be canceled if they include books on progressive topics. Forty-seven percent said she should be banned, with 13% saying they were unsure.

Other findings from the poll include:

  • 52% say they are afraid their child or grandchild is being exposed to inappropriate material in public schools,
  • 52% said they want children’s books to be more patriotic,
  • 58% said they want children’s books to reflect more conservative values,
  • 44% said they were afraid of the content their children might encounter when reading contemporary children’s books,
  • 61% said they wanted the power to vet Scholastic books selected for schools or public libraries, and
  • 48% said progressive ideologies in children’s books are a threat to children.

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Source: Dailywire

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