In July 1975, Teamsters boss Jimmy Hoffa told people he was on his way to meet two men at the Machus Red Fox restaurant in Bloomfield Township, in suburban Detroit. Hoffa had plans to testify before the Church Committee in the U.S. Senate about Mafia involvement in plots to assassinate Cuban President Fidel Castro.

After Hoffa was seen at the restaurant, he mysteriously disappeared and was never seen again. For decades, the news media has reported one theory or another about where Hoffa’s body is buried, and now a former criminal defense lawyer who represented a reputed mobster who ran the former Savannah Inn and Golf Country Club in Georgia claims that Hoffa was buried on the golf course, where alleged mobsters often played golf.

Reginald Haupt Jr., a former criminal defense lawyer known as “Bubba” who represented Lou Rosanova, who once ran the hotel and was identified as a mobster by the federal government, told Fox News, “It was so out of the way, it was ridiculous that he would be brought him here to Savannah, Georgia. … It made this the perfect place. Bring him here where they can keep an eye on him. They can’t go to New Jersey on Mafia property and keep an eye on anybody. They did not want to let Hoffa go and they did not want anybody to find him.”

The Savannah Inn and Golf Country Club on Wilmington Island was once owned by the Teamsters Union; it has been replaced by condominiums.

Haupt claimed a twin-engine Beechcraft King Air plane arrived with Hoffa’s body, asserting, “The package was flown in here from Detroit. They would probably locate him where no one would ever suspect. And you don’t go around digging up a golf course.”

Haupt recalled mobsters and Teamsters urinating on the hole beneath which Haupt said Hoffa was buried, laughing as they did so. He said, “At one particular spot on that golf course, they would urinate. They would laugh about it, and when you see somebody do that, it sort of rings a bell. That is not ordinary golf etiquette.”

Haupt said he witnessed Rosanova urinating on the hole and asked someone what was going on. Haupt recalled, “That’s when he told me, he said, ‘I never had this conversation with you, but you are looking where Jimmy Hoffa is buried.’ I never said another word. I did not ask anybody. The subject was dropped and I never approached it.”

David Days Jr., a veteran caddy master at the golf club, told Fox News, “I think he might have been buried here. … It happened so quick, and so quietly during that time, you can never tell. But something was going on, we just couldn’t put our finger on it.”

Among the other theories of where Hoffa was buried, as the Daily Mail listed: “A field owned by mob boss Jack Tocco north of Detroit …  A suburban driveway at home once owned by a bookmaker for mob captain Anthony Giacalone …Underneath the field at the former New York Giants stadium… In a steel drum at New Jersey landfill site … In a garbage disposal facility in Hamtramck, Michigan.”

Haupt concluded, “I want the man to be found. Particularly for the Hoffa family, if I can play a part in where he is at, then it is my obligation to do that. They deserve to have their father buried properly.”

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Source: Dailywire

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