On Thursday, before the U.S. House of Representatives overwhelmingly voted for funding for Israel’s Iron Dome missile defense system, Rep. Chuck Fleischmann (R-TN) fiercely responded with a fiery speech attacking hard-left Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) after she railed against the funding as she accused Israel of “war crimes” and having an “apartheid system.” Fleischmann blasted, “They have a vocal minority in the majority party that is anti-Israel, that is anti-Semitic, and as Americans we can never stand for that.”

Tlaib began her rant by accusing Israel of “war crimes,’ citing the anti-Israel Human Rights Watch organization for support, and lying about Israel attacking worshippers on the Temple Mount, raging:

I rise in opposition to this supplemental. I will not support an effort to enable and support war crimes, human rights abuses and violence. We cannot be talking only about Israelis’ need for safety at a time when Palestinians are living under a violent apartheid system and are dying from what Human Rights Watch has said are war crimes. We should also be talking about Palestinian need for security from Israeli attacks. We must be consistent in our commitment to human life. Period. Everyone deserves to be safe there. The bill claims to be “a replenishment” for weapons apartheid Israel used in a crisis that it manufactured when it worshippers at one of the most holiest Islamist locations, the Al-aqsa Mosque, committing, again, numerous war crimes and yet, one billion dollar sin American tax dollars and my colleagues want to give represents to me an absurd and unjustifiable 140 times increase to U.S. for the Iron Dome.

She continued by citing the Israel hard-left anti-Israel group B’Tselem, saying, “I firmly believe our country must oppose selling weapons to anyone, anywhere, without human rights law compliance. The Israeli government is an apartheid regime, not my words, the words of Human Rights Watch and Israel’s own human rights organization, B’Tselem. I urge my colleagues, please stand with me in supporting human rights for all.”

Then Fleischmann rose to his feet to give his fiery response:

Mister Speaker, I yield myself as much time as necessary to respond to this comment. Mister Speaker, the truth has finally come out on the floor of the House of the United States of America. I heard some of my Democratic colleagues stand with me, with Israel, with our ally to fight terrorism with a defensive weapons system. And what did we just hear

“I grew up with Holocaust survivors,” Fleischmann noted. “I grew up with children of Holocaust survivors. Israel has been attacked and attacked and attacked since its inception. As Americans, I beseech you: I reach out to the majority and I say, condemn what we just heard on the floor. Condemn terrorism. This is a defensive weapons system. Stop playing your procedural games. I hear commit, recommit. It was a motion to recommit.”

“You just saw something on this floor I thought I would never see,” Fleischmann asserted. “Not only as a member of this House, but as an American. Let us stand with Israel. Let’s combat anti-Semitism wherever it is in the world. Whether it’s in the United States, whether it’s from terrorism. I am shocked, Mister Speaker, with what I just heard. I ask the majority to condemn the comments that were just made by their member and with that I yield back.”

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Source: Dailywire

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