Actress and writer Amanda Duarte on Monday fantasized about the rape of “little white daughters” by “black men” in a now-deleted tweet apparently meant to promote abortion.

Duarte published the tweet after news broke about a leaked Supreme Court draft opinion on overturning Roe v. Wade.

“I do wonder how these white supremacist lawmakers would feel if their little white daughters were raped and impregnated by black men,” she posted Monday.

Following backlash, Duarte deleted the post and the apologized. “I tweeted something extremely stupid and racist last night,” she said. “I deeply apologize and will not try to defend or explain it. Again, sincere apologies to anyone who was hurt by it.”

Duarte seems to have a history of posting disturbing abortion-related and racially charged tweets, though.

“Please stop having white children,” she posted in November 2021.

In March, Duarte wrote: “Friends, THE ENTIRE ANTI-ABORTION MOVEMENT IS ABOUT WHITE SUPREMACY. More white women have abortions than any other group and they need those babies to grow up and be trained to be racist voters or they’re gone.”

“Perhaps the hardest truth of all to accept must be that no one wants to f*** your disgusting little white kids,” a tweet from April said.

It’s unclear if Duarte was suspended or if she deleted her account, but it is currently offline via Twitter.

According to Duarte’s IMDb page, she is an actress, director, and writer who’s worked on films like Citizen Candy Man: A Chocumentary (2005), Accident, Suicide or Murder (2015), and No Denying Love (2011).

“Star Trek” alum George Takei also became unglued by the leaked draft opinion. “Those motherf*****s really did it,” the 85-year-old actor tweeted, according to The Daily Wire. “First they came for Black voters, then they targeted LGBTQ+ families. Now, women of America, they’re overruling Roe v. Wade. We have to unite and strike back. Take to the streets. Overwhelm them at the ballot box. They have gone too damn far.”

“Those justices lied in their confirmation hearings about Roe being settled law,” Takei added. “That is grounds to impeach them, or at least to expand the court to counter the effect of their blatant and intentional deception.”

Abortion advocate and actress Amber Tamblyn vowed to “fight” and “never stop.”

“Tonight our highest court declared war on more than half of its citizens – women and birthing people everywhere. The overturning of Roe V Wade is a political act of violence against us and we will not accept it. We will fight and we will not stop. EVER,” she wrote.

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Source: Dailywire

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