CNN’s Don Lemon claimed that the Democratic Party was not doing a good at governing but that Republicans were still the bigger problem, demanding that they “pay” for what he claims they are doing to the U.S.

Lemon claimed that the Democratic Party was the only political party in the U.S. that “is working on reality,” adding that despite his claim, “they’re not governing very well, at the moment.”

“They’re not performing the duty of being good politicians, in the moment,” Lemon said, adding that “It’s not politics as usual.”

“What is happening on the right is not politics as usual. And what’s happening on the right is not right, it’s wrong,” he claimed. “And they should pay the consequences for what they’re doing to our democracy, the damage they’re doing to our democracy and the damage they’re doing to this republic. So hopefully, I don’t see it happening in the in the near future, I hope the Republican Party can come back to some sort of semblance of a party that cares about actual democracy and people but I don’t see that happening soon.”



DON LEMON, CNN HOST: There are many good things about political parties, and many not so good things about political parties, but I just don’t believe in voting because someone is a Republican or someone is a Democrat. I vote on what they have done, what they will do, what their records are, and what they stand for. So having said that, there is one political party in this country that is working on reality, and that is the Democratic Party, but even in that, they’re not governing very well, at the moment. They’re not performing the duty of being good politicians, in the moment. They don’t see the urgency of what’s happening across the country with voting rights, what’s happening, the urgency of what’s happening with the the big lie, this, they are still operating on, thinking that oh, everything is normal. You know, we’ve got to play politics as usual. It’s not politics as usual. What is happening on the right is not politics as usual. And what’s happening on the right is not right, it’s wrong. And they they should pay the consequences for what they’re doing to our democracy, the damage they’re doing to our democracy and the damage they’re doing to this republic. So hopefully, I don’t see it happening in the in the near future, I hope the Republican Party can come back to some sort of semblance of a party that cares about actual democracy and people but I don’t see that happening soon.

We listen to the fringes too much. The fringes have the loudest voices. The fringes all the way on the right have the loudest voices. The people who are not, you know, playing with reality, the Trumpers, we listen to them too much.

I’m telling you, if you’re Republican and you care about what is happening in this country, you need to get on the Democrat side to get your party in order. That is the only way to fix it.

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Source: Dailywire

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