On Wednesday night, as Golden State Warriors fans heckled him during a commercial break, NBA Hall of Famer Charles Barkley fired back a pointed remark about their mothers.

Barkley, 59, was sitting on a raised platform outside Chase Center with fellow “Inside the NBA” including hosts Shaquille O’Neal, Ernie Johnson, and Kenny Smith.

When the Warriors fans started chanting his name, Barkley called over, “Hey, you guys, leave me alone or I’ll come to your house and f*** your mama.”

That prompted the fans to start chanting, “Chuck, you suck!”

During halftime of the Wednesday game, as the “Inside the NBA” team was discussing the game, the crowd started chanting, “Chuck, you suck!”

Barkley turned around and yelled back at the crowd, “Hey! You’re right! And y’all suck too!”

Earlier on Wednesday, Barkley told the Warriors’ Draymond Green he had strong feelings about the San Francisco area, asserting, “I don’t dislike the area; I hate the area.”

“The area hates you,” Green joked, as The Daily Mail reported.

“Barkley has been a villain in the Bay Area for the better part of two decades,” NBC Sports noted, adding, “It began in 2007 when he dissed the city of Oakland after the Warriors upset the top-seeded Dallas Mavericks. In the early days of the Warriors’ dynasty, Barkley refused to believe a core of ‘jump shooters’ like Steph Curry and Klay Thompson could bring home an NBA championship.”

After the Dallas Mavericks eliminated the Phoenix Suns, meaning they would face the Warriors and the Warriors would host the opening game, Barkley told his co-hosts, “”We are going to hell. I mean San Francisco. I hate San Francisco. You know that.”

“I hate San Francisco.  I gotta like a city because y’all like it? I’ve never had fun there,” he added.

On Thursday, Green, who has won NBA championships with the Warriors, kidded Barkley about never winning a ring in his storied 16-year career. “If I win another championship, that’s one more ring added to the panel that’s not him,” he said. “I wouldn’t want to see that either. Then he really got to hear about it. I get it. I understand. I don’t know how that feels, I’ve always won.”

The other hosts on “Inside the NBA” won titles in their career. Shaquille O’Neal won four, Dwyane Wade, three, and Kenny Smith, two.

“I guess I’d feel the same way if ya’ll just keep adding rings up here and I got to just sit here when the playoffs come around,” Green quipped. “What are you going to say — you going to tell us how to win? Not taking that advice from Chuck. What’s he going to say?”

“That’s my dog, though,” Green concluded. “I love Chuck. That’s my dog.”

Source: Dailywire

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