White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki falsely claimed during Friday’s press briefing that President Joe Biden not wanting to answer questions about Afghanistan had nothing to do with Afghanistan when, in fact, Biden explicitly said that he didn’t want to talk about Afghanistan.

Biden snapped at reporters earlier in the day when they asked him questions about Afghanistan, complaining that their questions were “negative” and that he wanted to “talk about happy things.”

After being asked only two questions on Afghanistan, Biden exclaimed, “I’m not going to answer any more quick questions on Afghanistan. Look, it’s Fourth of July.”

“I’m concerned that you guys are asking me questions that I’ll answer next week,” Biden continued. “But I’m — this is a holiday weekend  I’m going to celebrate it. … I’ll be — I’ll answer all your negative questions — not negative — your legitimate questions.”

Later, during the White House press briefing, Psaki falsely claimed, “It wasn’t related to Afghanistan.”

Psaki also appeared to make false claims about the prices of food in an attempt to downplay a debacle that unfolded yesterday when the administration bragged about saving Americans only $0.16 on a small list of items for a Fourth of July barbeque.



REPORTER: Are you worried that the Afghan government might fall?  I mean, we are hearing about how the Taliban is taking more and more districts.
THE PRESIDENT:  Look, we were in that war for 20 years.  Twenty years.  And I think — I met with the Afghan government here in the White House, in the Oval.  I think they have the capacity to be able to sustain the government.  There are going to have to be, down the road, more negotiations, I suspect.  But I am — I am concerned that they deal with the internal issues that they have to be able to generate the kind of support they need nationwide to maintain the government.
REPORTER: A follow on that thought on Afghanistan —
THE PRESIDENT:  I want to talk about happy things, man.
REPORTER: If there is evidence that Kabul is threatened, which some of the intelligence reports have suggested it could be in six months or thereabout, do you think you’ve got the capability to help provide any kind of air support, military support to them to keep the capital safe, even if the U.S. troops are obviously fully out by that time?
THE PRESIDENT:  We have worked out an over-the-horizon capacity that we can be value added, but the Afghans are going to have to be able to do it themselves with the Air Force they have, which we’re helping them maintain.
REPORTER: Sir, on Afghanistan —
THE PRESIDENT:  I’m not going to answer any more quick question on Afghanistan. 
REPORTER: Are you concerned —
THE PRESIDENT:  Look, it’s Fourth of July.
REPORTER: On the economy —
REPORTER:  Are you concerned about Fourth of July gatherings —
THE PRESIDENT:  I’m concerned that you guys are asking me questions that I’ll answer next week.  But I’m — this is a holiday weekend.  I’m going to celebrate it.  There is great things happening. The economy is growing faster than any time in 40 years.  We’ve got a record number of new jobs.  COVID deaths are down 90 percent.  Wages are up faster than any time in 15 years.  We’re bringing out — bringing our troops home.  We have — all across America, people are going to ballgames and doing good things.  This is good. I’ll be — I’ll answer all your negative questions — not negative — your legitimate question. 

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Source: Dailywire

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