Everything old is new again.

In 411 B.C., Greek author Aristophanes penned a play called Lysistrata. In the bawdy comedy, Lysistrata organizes a mission to end the Peloponnesian War between two city-states by urging all women to deny men any sex until the war is over.

Skip ahead 2,433 years, when “#SexStrike” trended on Twitter after the Supreme Court’s ruling on abortion.

“My legs are CLOSED!” one account tweeted. “Because SCOTUS overturned Roe v. Wade, we cannot take the risk of an unintended pregnancy, therefore, we will not have sex with any man — including our husbands — unless we are trying to become pregnant. #SexStrike.”

“If this world thinks that they can oppress women forever, then we close our legs. #sexstrike,” wrote the user thesexstrike.

“Ladies, it’s time to close up shop until this abortion wrong is righted. #Lysistrata #SexStrike,” user Darla B. wrote.

“If your man is against abortion, withhold sex. And get a new boyfriend,” another anonymous account posted.

“To all people with a uterus: withhold sex. We don’t need them and we must wield our power. #sexstrike,” another wrote.

Protests erupted in cities across the country after the court overturned women’s federal right to abortions on Friday.

“I live in New York and I am DOUBLE FURIOUS with the Supreme Court. I want to find people who are coordinating a mass sex strike. That is our power,” another person wrote. “WOMEN HAVE THE POWER HERE. NO MORE SEX UNTIL ABORTION RIGHTS ARE FEDERAL LAW,” the person continued.

“Join the #SexStrike in response to SCOTUS overturning Roe,” wrote user McSpocky. “Maybe when male lawmakers find out they aren’t getting any from their wives or mistresses, we’ll finally get Congressional action to pass a federal law protecting abortion rights.”

The movement did draw some mockery.

“Dear Liberal Women, please continue to abstain from casual, outside-of-a-committed-relationship sex. #SexStrike. Congratulations, you are well on your way to old fashioned, conservative behavior. It makes you much more attractive people. You’re welcome,” one person tweeted.

“This was the funniest thing I saw in social media yesterday…#sexstrike. I am wondering if these ladies recognize that their pro-choice/abortion husbands would be the victims, while the pro-life husband and wives could protest this movement by simple having sex. Too Hilarious!” wrote another.

Joseph Curl has covered politics for 35 years, including 12 years as White House correspondent for a national newspaper. He was also the a.m. editor of the Drudge Report for four years. Send tips to [email protected] and follow him on Twitter @josephcurl.

Source: Dailywire

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