A new documentary released earlier this week by the Center for Bioethics and Culture Network seeks to expose how some in the medical industry are pushing hesitant parents to medically and surgically transition their children.

“Trans Mission: What’s the Rush to Reassign Gender?,” which can be viewed below or on YouTube, explores the sobering consequences of gender transition on children by interviewing 17 doctors, parents, activists, and adults who sought medical affirmation of their gender identities.

The film also analyzes how free speech is being restrained when those who question the prevailing narrative on the contentious issue are pushed out of the public conversation.

Among those interviewed, one mother recounted how medical professionals frightened her into believing that her daughter would commit suicide if she was not placed on puberty blockers.

Brenton, the father of a young boy struggling with gender identity, talked about how doctors pressured his son’s mother to place him on a regimen of hormone treatments, even though he is too young to know what he is talking about.

“He has a fantasy of taking a potion and that he’s going to be like Peter Pan,” Brenton said.

The film also interviewed Dr. Paul Hruz, a pediatric endocrinologist, who said “there’s a very good reason to be concerned about the outcome [of transitioning children] specifically, that some of the largest studies that have been done with the longest follow-up have shown that suicide rates remain markedly elevated after you undergo these affirmation interventions.”

The documentary also touches on the role Big Tech and other institutions play in silencing dissent.

“Whether it’s Twitter banning outspoken feminists like Meghan Murphy, or Australian universities canceling talks by pediatric endocrinologists like Dr. Quentin Van Meter, Trans Mission lays out how hard it’s become for anyone to dissent from the social prescription to affirm gender identity,” the Center for Bioethics and Culture said in a press release.

Dr. Heather Brunskell-Evans, sociologist and author of “Transgender Body Politics,” lauded the documentary: “The film powerfully conveys that children with gender dysphoria are the victims of a powerful ideology, with bereft parents desperately attempting to protect them in the face of social hostility.”

James A. Lindsay, best-selling author and founder of New Discourses, also praised the film, saying, “One of the most concerning and harmful things happening in the world today is the wholesale and uncritical encouragement of transition in minors.”

“‘Trans Mission’ sheds much-needed light on this issue and is an invitation to start having crucial conversations about it that will lead to protecting some of our most vulnerable kids. Watch this film, share it, and start talking,” Lindsay added.


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Source: Dailywire

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