We at The Daily Wire have been able to accomplish extraordinary things this year, in large part because of your membership.

First, you allowed us to help Gina Carano, who was fired from Disney+ simply because they didn’t like her political point of view. We picked her up, and are making a feature film with her coming out next year called “Terror on The Prairie.”

That’s not the only thing we’re doing in the entertainment space. In addition to our upcoming film “Shut In,” premiering in the spring, available right now is the exclusive Daily Wire comedy series “Adam Carolla: Truth Yeller.”

And there’s much more entertainment content on the horizon.

You’ve also allowed us to jump into the fight with regard to investigative journalism. The Daily Wire’s Luke Rosiak broke multiple major stories this year regarding Loudoun County, Virginia, including one in which a school board overtly lied about a man’s daughter being attacked in a bathroom stall, all in service of their own political narrative. Now, the incoming governor of Virginia is Republican Glenn Youngkin. That’s in large part because of our investigative reporting, and that’s because of your help.

Just as critical, you are helping us fight the Biden administration’s tyrannical vaccine mandate. All across the country, 100 million people are going to be forced to vax or be fired unless we stop them — and we have taken the lead here at The Daily Wire. We were able to do this because we had the confidence of having our members behind us. On day one, we here at The Daily Wire said that we would not comply with Joe Biden’s unconstitutional vaccine mandate — and as the leading plaintiffs against OSHA and the administration, we will take them all the way to the Supreme Court to stop it.

We need you. Now more than ever. Today is Black Friday, and we are offering a 50% discount on memberships. Becoming a member has its perks — hanging out with us during our live-streams, or at Backstage events, as well as discounts at our new merch store — but more importantly, becoming a member at The Daily Wire is about bringing the fight to the Left, no matter where that fight may be.

When you join with us and become a member, you are part of the army that is fighting on behalf of conservative ideals, which means fighting on behalf of the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution of the United States, fundamental Judeo-Christian notions of right and wrong, as well as liberty and freedom.

Click this link and use code DW50 for a 50% discounted membership for you, or as a gift for your friends or family.

The views expressed in this opinion piece are the author’s own and do not necessarily represent those of The Daily Wire.

The Daily Wire is one of America’s fastest-growing conservative media companies and counter-cultural outlets for news, opinion, and entertainment. Get inside access to The Daily Wire by becoming a member.

Source: Dailywire

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