President Joe Biden is being blasted for referring to the Jan. 6 attack at the Capitol as “the worst attack on our democracy since the Civil War.”

Biden referenced the assault during his speech to a joint session of Congress on Wednesday. He included it when noting that he had “inherited a nation in crisis.”

“The worst pandemic in a century,” he said. “The worst economic crisis since the Great Depression. The worst attack on our democracy since the Civil War.”

But Jason Miller, who served as an adviser to former President Donald Trump, tweeted: “Worst attack on our Democracy since the Civil War? Not 9/11? Not Pearl Harbor???”

And journalist Glenn Greenwald, in a series of tweets, asked:  “January 6 was worse than 9/11? Or Pearl Harbor?”

“Or the Oklahoma City bombing? Or the dismantling of civil liberties in the name of the Cold War and War on Terror? Or the mass surveillance program secretly and illegally implemented by NSA aimed at US citizens? Or the mass surveillance program secretly and illegally implemented by NSA aimed at US citizens?

“How about the War on Drugs, mass incarceration and Jim Crow? Were those worse ‘attacks on democracy’ than the 3-hour Capitol riot on Jan. 6? The assassination of JFK? The interference in domestic politics by the CIA? The list of worse attacks than Jan. 6 is endless.”

And Steve Cortes, who served as an adviser to the Trump presidential campaigns said: “Biden told a dangerous and monstrous lie. The indefensible Jan 6th riot wasn’t remotely the ‘worst attack on our democracy since the Civil War.’ Don’t accept this grand myth, don’t fall for this propaganda — see the real goal of Biden & the Media …”

Jerry Dunleavy of the Washington Examiner tweeted: “9/11 was an attack on our democracy. Flight 93 was headed for the U.S. Capitol, and if not for the brave actions of those on board, it’s very possible the building would’ve been a smoking crater. Instead, it crashed in a field ~20 minutes from DC, & all 40 passengers & crew died.

“The terrorist attacks of 9/11 also successfully targeted the Pentagon – a prominent global symbol of our democracy’s military might. The plane smashing into the side of the Pentagon killed the 59 passengers & crew on board the aircraft as well as 125 people inside the Pentagon.

“President John F. Kennedy was also literally assassinated.

“The Oklahoma City bombing was a domestic terrorist attack willfully targeting a federal government building, and it killed 168 people.”

Source: Newmax

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