Republican National Committee Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel Monday brushed aside reports that she’s considering a race for governor of Michigan in next year’s midterm elections, describing comments she made to a group of RNC members as a “throwaway line.”

However, she told Fox Business’s Maria Bartiromo that she doesn’t think what Michigan’s Democrat Gov. Gretchen Whitmer has done to “my kids and our state” is a joke, and said she’s “mad” about what’s been going on during the coronavirus pandemic.

“Every day I wake up with my son (saying) ‘Mom, I hate school’ and ‘Mom, can you call me in sick?’ McDaniel said. “My daughter is asleep because she doesn’t have school on Monday, Wednesday, Friday this week because she only goes to school every other day.”

Whitmer, she said, “has done this to the kids of Michigan by abdicating her responsibility. I’m mad. I’m mad as a mom. I feel no one is fighting for our kids.”

She said other districts around hers are open all five days a week, in person, but in Michigan, Whitmer is “forgetting the kids” and putting them “at a direct disadvantage by having this education gap compared to states that are open.”

As a result, the state’s children have endured “a lost year.”

“I watch my son do his classes on Zoom,” she said. “We petitioned the school and said can he go to the hybrid model where he goes every other day, and they said no. Nobody is putting the kids’ interest first, certainly not my governor, certainly not my school district.”

The loss will also affect him when he takes his ACT and SAT tests next year, and will be competing against students whose schools have remained open, said McDaniel. 

“What they are doing to our kids is definitely setting them back and no one’s talking about it,” she added. “I’m calling on Gretchen Whitmer to come back to Michigan, stop being a media darling, stop being the darling of the Biden administration and actually do the job you ran for as governor of Michigan and fight for kids like mine and the public schools.”

Meanwhile, House Republicans are gathering in Orlando this week for their annual three-day conference, and McDaniel said she’s encouraging them to connect with their voters to push for the need to return to a majority in the House to put a stop to the Biden administration’s progressive policies. 

“Tell stories to your constituents about what it means,” she said she’d tell the lawmakers. “Be real. Those are the types of things that will win elections. We’ve seen it across the past election. Candidates who told stories, who connected with voters, who are authentic do so much better. So that will be my little pearls of wisdom I give to those members today.”

She added that Republicans must take advantage of big tech to lay out “all that the Biden administration is doing to disrupt freedom,” as that is what is on the ballot in 2022. 

“We are fighting back,” said McDaniel. “On H.R. 1 (the House Democrats voting reform bill), we’re up in four states with four at-risk Democrats letting their constituents know that they’re supporting an overhaul of the election, removing governance of the election from the state to the federal level, and giving public funds to candidates, taxpayer funds to candidates to fund their elections. We’re doing that in Georgia, Nevada, Arizona, New Hampshire, we’re making sure these candidates know that this is going to be on the ballot for them in 2022. We’re absolutely pushing back along with the NRSC. We’ve done six-figure media buys on this issue.”

Source: Newmax

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