Israeli Defense Minister Benny Gantz, speaks during a meeting with Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin at the Pentagon, Thursday, Dec. 9, 2021, in Washington. (AP Photo/Manuel Balce Ceneta)

Talks between the U.S. and Iran do not appear to be going to plan and the Biden administration has failed to take a strong stance on deproliferation.

“I am deeply concerned about the Iranian government’s nuclear actions in recent months, both its continued provocations and its lack of constructive diplomatic engagement,” stated Defense Secretary, Lloyd Austin.

Austin hosted his Israeli counterpart, Benny Gantz, at the Pentagon for talks. The two officials met Thursday to discuss Iran’s nuclear and ballistic missile programs as well as Joe Biden’s efforts to restore the failed 2015 nuclear deal implemented under former President Barack Obama. Gantz said the international community must take a tougher stance to prevent Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons.

“Iran is not just a threat to our physical security; Iran possess a concrete threat to our way of life and our shared values,” stated the Israeli Defense Minister. “In its aspirations to become a hegemon, Iran seeks to destroy all traces of freedom, human dignity and peace in the Middle East and beyond.”

For his part, Austin, yet again, reiterated U.S. commitment to Israeli defense and he called for a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Meanwhile, Press Secretary Jen Psaki said the U.S. will enforce more sanctions on Iran if needed to avoid a potential nuclear crisis. Psaki made that announcement also on Thursday, adding the only way the U.S. will end sanctions is if they come to a new agreement on a nuclear deal.

These remarks came after State Secretary Antony Blinken said Iran wasn’t taking efforts to make a deal seriously during last week’s nuclear talks in Vienna. Psaki further added that the U.S. is considering sending a delegation to the UAE next week to discuss possible economic sanctions.

Source: One America News Network

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