President Joe Biden meets with New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern in the Oval Office of the White House, Tuesday, May 31, 2022, in Washington. (AP Photo/Evan Vucci)

President Joe Biden recycled previously debunked claims about certain types of firearms and the origins of the Second Amendment. While returning to the White House Monday, he was met with questions about gun control after his recent visit to Uvalde, Texas.

Biden said the Second Amendment was never absolute while claiming when it was written so the public could not own canons. However, Article One, Section Eight, Clause 11 of the Constitution gives the individual the right to own a canon. The President also seemed to call for a ban on one of the most common handguns in America.

“He said, ‘a 22 caliber bullet will lodge in a lung and we can probably get it out, may, and save the life,” he stated. “A nine millimeter bullet blows the lung out of the body. So the idea is, high-caliber weapons, there simply is no rational basis for it in terms of about self protection, hunting.”

Biden then appeared to rule out any action he could take by himself in the matter while commenting that he can’t “dictate this stuff.”

Source: One America News Network

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