WASHINGTON, D.C. – SEPTEMBER 14: U.S. Rep. Drew Ferguson (R-Ga.) speaks during a markup hearing at Longworth House Office Building September 14, 2021 on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C. (Photo by Alex Wong/Getty Images)

Republican leaders are standing firm against Democrats “tax and spend” multi-trillion dollar package stuffed with policies that overburden American families.

“Americans are fed up. They are fed up with the price of gas. They are fed up with the lack of food and supplies on the shelves,” said Rep. Drew Ferguson (R-Ga.). “They look at Joe Biden as a modern day Grinch who is on the verge of canceling Christmas. And they are tired of being told what to do.”

In a press conference from Washington on Tuesday, GOP leaders said that average Americans are feeling the affects of inflation, energy and supply chain crises, while Democrats continue to peddle a tax and spend agenda with far-left socialist policies. Rep. Ferguson said he believes the most egregious part of the spending bill is a provision that would allow the IRS to spy on American’s bank accounts.

Ferguson noted if someone spends as little as $28 a month or make $600 worth of deposits or withdrawals a year, they could get caught in the IRS dragnet as banks would be required to report those accounts. He said he can’t imagine a single American, Republican, Democrat, Independent, rich or poor that would want the IRS looking into their bank account. He maintained it’s for good reason as the organization’s checkered past has led to overwhelming public mistrust.

He pointed to Lois Lerner and the IRS targeting controversy of 2013 where conservative groups came under additional scrutiny or were denied tax-exempt status. Additionally, earlier this year the IRS allegedly leaked tax documents of America’s wealthiest individuals only to be published by ProPublica.

“Can you imagine if the IRS got their hands on every bit of information in your bank account? And don’t think for a minute if you think that’s not what’s coming,” said Ferguson. “Democrats want control. They want control of your life, they want control of your finances. They want control of everything. And we’re here to stand up against that, to push back…it’s wrong, we think it is unconstitutional. And the federal government should not be allowed to look into your bank account with a proper warrant. It is your private business, it is not the business of the IRS.”

North Dakota Rep. Kelly Armstrong (R) said the current energy crisis is self-induced. He believes it started with Biden’s cancellation of the Keystone Pipeline and was compounded by regulations that has made it impossible to develop minerals on federal lands.

On the campaign trail last year, Biden told Americans who made less than $400,000 a year that they wouldn’t pay a penny more in taxes. For Armstrong, Biden has broken his promise, pointing out how inflation is a tax brought on by his massive spending.

In the meantime, Minority Whip Steve Scalise (R-La.) said the solution is to get back to the things that were working.

Source: One America News Network

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