Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton says the United States has a “gun worshipping problem,” but what she’s really interested in is “disarming” Americans by “exploiting ignorance of the Constitution,” a new opinion piece claims.  

Clinton, the Democrats’ 2016 presidential nominee, was interviewed by Jennifer Palmieri, the former communications director for her campaign, on her podcast “Just Something About Her” on Thursday, during which, among other topics, she spoke about how to keep guns out of shooters’ hands after the mass shootings in March in Atlanta and Boulder.

In it, Clinton referred to the weapons ban passed when her husband Bill Clinton was president in 1994, writes Tony Cox for RT, but he pointed out that a Department of Justice study showed that the ban didn’t help reduce gun violence.

Clinton also argued for a waiting period for gun purchases, invoking the “purposely misleading and racially divisive line” that Jay Baker, a spokesperson for the police department handling the investigation into the Atlanta spa murders, said that the suspect Robert Aaron Long was having a bad day when it turned out that Baker was paraphrasing what Long had told police. 

Clinton also “deceptively ridiculed her enemies,” said Cox, while suggesting advocates for gun rights are “crazy” for believing Democrats want to take their firearms away. 

“Nobody’s guns were taken away,” Clinton said of the 1994 law, which expired in 2004. “There was no black helicopter or tanks rolling up to people’s houses to seize their lawful weapons.”

However, Cox wrote, Democrats including President Joe Biden, have lamented how the law in 1994 affected new purchases and have argued for a gun buyback program. 

Clinton also argued in the interview that the Supreme Court misinterpreted the Constitution on gun rights and suggested Republicans want to keep people “riled up and scared” that gun laws would undermine their rights. 

“Democracy is the balancing of interests and rights, and unfortunately at this time, the gun worshippers have a huge advantage because of the filibuster and because of their shameless exploitation of people’s unwarranted fears,” she argued. 

“None of us has a right to not be scared – unwarranted or otherwise,” Cox responded to Clinton. “And if anyone is shamelessly stirring and exploiting unwarranted fears, it’s you and your vampiric cohorts every time there is a mass shooting to promote.”

The Constitution was written with the idea of protecting Americans from the government and “common-sense gun legislation” such as bans on assault-type weapons don’t work, he also argued. 

“Notice that none of the opportunistic proposals made in the aftermath of horrific shootings address root causes, such as deteriorating mental health and the effects of Big Pharma’s psychotropic drugs,” he added. “It’s not that Clinton, Biden, and the rest are mistaken or foolish in thinking that those common-sense gun laws would make anyone safer. It’s that the first step is just the first step, and the stepping continues until the enemies – in this case, Mr. and Mrs. Law-abiding America – are disarmed.”

Source: Newmax

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